joels party was okay only that he was talking about ONE thing.
on sat went carousel with sean and daren, it was so damn funny!
looking for a giant candy cane but in the end we couldn't find one because it was EASTERsmart one.
then i got my breast cancer mnm's(:
haha i said it tasted nicer then some one said its because it has more milk,
so funny.then my fav CHOC LINT i said that if you die you would want to eat it before you die.
so sean said 'i would wank before i die' what a dumbass.
hahaand then i saw some thing!
it was a movie i thought rachel would like. and she did. she loved it!
on sunday took alot alot alot of pictures.
just because we were all wearing super woman tops.
ariels becoming more ano to ano man, whats wrong with her!
yesterday went chris's house to play wii so funn(:
walking to apsley when we found a TROLLEY.
i was tired so they all pushed me, smile smile smile.
then had dinner with the ng's and the ho's.
and when i thought the torture is over we had to go to their house for tea.
good one. but i had angeline so it was okayy(:
lizzzz come back soon. not that i miss you or anythingwe just have alot of food. hahai really want to go back to singapore.
like all my friends are there, yeah i have friends here but their all okayy.
i'm been having damn damn weird dreams!
just found out some thing bad from my sister. i didn't want him to go...
i rather die. come back joey...
this is us, the phycadelic mamas, us.
colin and chris trying to push a car, DUMBASSES!
me and moiii homey(:
the SUPERWOMEN, yes superwomen.